Pursuant to the Supreme Court of Tennessee Order NO ADM2020-00428, All in-person proceedings in all state and local courts in Tennesse, including but not limited to municipal, juvenile, general sessions, trial, and appellate courts, are suspended from the close of business March 13, 2020, through March 31, 2020, subject to exceptions.
The exceptions are included in the article attached to this post. Additionally, all court dates will be reflected on jeffersoncircuit.com. Check that website often, as we are processing these changes now.
If you had a court date within the suspension period, you must stay in contact with your attorney.
All members of the Jefferson County Justice Center are working together to provide creative solutions to guarantee that your Justice System continues to function efficiently while following state guidelines to mitigate exposure to COVID-19.
The Knoxville Bar Association has compiled a website with a lot of resources and compiled information for East Tennessee Courts: https://www.knoxbar.org/index.cfm?pg=CourtUpdates