No Jury Duty May 14, 15 or 16
Jurors, You do Not have to report for Duty on May 14-16. Please call on May 21 to check for service for May 22. Thank you!
Jurors, You do Not have to report for Duty on May 14-16. Please call on May 21 to check for service for May 22. Thank you!
Jurors, You do NOT have to report for May 1st & 2nd, 2024. Continue to follow your schedule and check back on the 13th for service on the 14th.
Jurors, You do not need to serve for Jury Duty on Wednesday, April 24 or on Thursday, April 25. This Concludes Jury Duty Service for the February 2024 term. We, here at the Jefferson County Circuit Clerk's Office, would like to thank each and every one of you for your time and service.
Jurors you do NOT have to report on Thursday, January 4th or on Tuesday, January 9th. Our deepest appreciation for your service to our County!
Jurors you do NOT have to report on Wednesday, November 15th or on Thursday, November 16th. You will need to check in after 6:00 pm on November the 28th for Jury service on November the 29th.
Jurors you do NOT have to report on Wednesday, October 25th or on Thursday, October 26th. You will need to check in after 6:00 pm on October 31st for Jury service on November the 1st.