No Jury Duty for Thursday, September 12, 18 & 19 2024
Jurors, You will not need to report for Jury Duty on September 12, 18 or 19. Please follow up on September 24 to verify if you will need to report on September 25th.
Jurors, You will not need to report for Jury Duty on September 12, 18 or 19. Please follow up on September 24 to verify if you will need to report on September 25th.
Jurors, There will not be any Jury Duty for the remainder of the Month of August. Please call in on September 11th to check for service for September 12th. Thank you.
General Sessions Criminal Court with Judge Roach for Thursday, August 22nd, 2024, is Canceled. Please check with your Attorney for a new court date, if you do not have an attorney, please check out website,, after 8am on August 22nd, by searching for your name. Or email our general Sessions Criminal Clerk Jennifer at [...]
There will be NO Jury Duty for August 22, 2024. Please check back to see if Jury Service is needed for August 28 and 29. Thank you.
Jurors, You do NOT have to report for Jury Duty on August 7th or 8th. Call in August 21st to see if you need to serve for August 22, 2024. Thank you!
Jurors, There will NOT be any Jury Duty for Wednesday, July 31, 2024. Please call in after 6p on August 6th to check for Service for August 07, 2024. Thank you!
Jurors, There will NOT be Jury Duty service for Thursday, July 25, 2024. Please be sure to follow up on July 30 to check for service for July 31, 2024. Thank you.
Jurors, There will not be any Jury Duty for July 09, 2024. Please be sure to call on July 24 to follow up on if there will be Jury Duty set for July the 25th.
Jurors, You do NOT have to report on June 20th or on June 25th. Please check in on July 8 to see if you need to report on July 9th. Thank you!
Jurors, You will not need to report for Jury Service June the 5th or the 6th. Please check again on June 19th, after 6:00pm, to see if you will need to report for June 20th.