Jurors, You do not need to report for jury service on January 5th.  You need to call or check the website on January 9th for possible service on the 10th.

By |2023-01-24T15:47:02-05:00December 29th, 2022|Jury Information|Comments Off on


Jurors, You DO NEED to report for jury service on Wednesday, January 25, 2023.  You will need to report by 8:30 a.m.  Thank you for serving Jefferson County.  You will play an important role in the legal system.  -Kevin Poe

By |2023-01-24T15:43:32-05:00January 18th, 2022|Jury Information|Comments Off on JURORS YOU DO NEED TO REPORT FOR JURY SERVICE ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25TH, 2023 BY 8:30 A.M.

Jurors, you do not need to report for jury service on January 13th, 2022.  This concludes the service term for the October 2021 - January 2022 jurors.  Thank you for your service to Jefferson County.  - Kevin Poe

By |2023-01-24T15:47:51-05:00January 11th, 2022|Jury Information|Comments Off on

Do Not Report 5/26 or 5/27

Jurors, Do not report for jury service on May 26th or May 27th.  You need to call or check the website on June 8th in reference to possible service on June 9th. Thank you for your service to Jefferson County! -Kevin Poe

By |2021-05-21T16:10:58-04:00May 3rd, 2021|Jury Information|Comments Off on Do Not Report 5/26 or 5/27

You MUST report April 29

Jurors, You must report for jury service on Thursday, April 29th, 2021 by 8:30 am.  The rules and standards regarding what can be brought into the courtroom, as well as dress code, can be found on this website under the jury information tab.

By |2021-04-28T19:41:03-04:00April 28th, 2021|Jury Information|Comments Off on You MUST report April 29

You MUST report 4/28

Jurors, You must report to the Justice Center on Wednesday, April 28th at 8:30 am to turn in the Jury Questionnaire mailed to you last November.  If you do not have that form, you can pick one up, fill it out, and turn it in while you are here.  After turning in the jury questionnaire [...]

By |2021-04-27T19:21:26-04:00April 27th, 2021|Jury Information|Comments Off on You MUST report 4/28

Do Not Report 2/24 or 2/25

Jurors, you do not need to report for jury service on February 24 or February 25.  You need to call or check the website on March 2nd for possible service on March 3rd. I appreciate your service, Kevin Poe

By |2021-02-24T13:06:08-05:00February 24th, 2021|Jury Information|Comments Off on Do Not Report 2/24 or 2/25

Do Not Report 2/18

Jurors, you do not have to report for jury service on February 18th.  Call or check the website on February 23rd for possible service on the 24th. Thank you for your continued service to Jefferson County.  -Kevin Poe

By |2021-02-16T15:35:08-05:00January 25th, 2021|Jury Information|Comments Off on Do Not Report 2/18
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